Development of a generic framework as a technological construction kit to increase the added value in customised software projects in the digitization environment

The motivation is based on the requirement for the integration of the latest technologies while maintaining high quality to assure competitiveness in the area of software development.

The objective and desired outcome is, therefore, the development of a modular, proprietary framework as a technological construction kit for mobile as well as web-based software solutions. A decentralised cloud service architecture based on microservices enables the integration and updating of many functions in business software systems. This allows the state of the art to be significantly surpassed.

Preliminary results:

  • Development and continuous expansion of a front-end framework for browser apps
  • Establishment of a development framework for mobile devices
  • Utilisation of cloud-based AI functions, such as natural language processing, generative AI, etc.
  • Blockchain-based functions for data protection-compliant storage of sensitive data


Forschungszulagengesetz (FZulG) (Act on tax incentives for research and development)


01.01.2020 – 31.12.2024


bbg bitbase group GmbH


1.791.020 €

Funding amount

289.450 €


In development


PFIF Partner für Innovation & Förderung GmbH


This project is funded by the Forschungszulagengesetz (FZulG)

(Act on tax incentives for research and development).

Find out more here.

Let's talk, we are happy to answer your questions.

Director Software Development

Peter Burger