IT Security

Two questions must be asked at the beginning of any security consideration: What do you want to protect, and what are the consequences if you fail? The answers to these questions will determine what actions you should take.


Are you an easy target?

The Solarwinds and Hafnium attacks are two prominent examples that show how the security situation worldwide continues to worsen. Hacking is the path of least resistance. The question is, how do you become a victim of cybercrime? Well, by feeling too safe!

Four steps to security

Knowledge and rules make the difference

Analysis: IT security check

Analysing your IT environment serves as a compass for your security considerations. When was the last time your IT systems underwent a security check?

Rules: ISMS

An Information Security Management System (ISMS) and the associated security policy form the foundation for successful IT security.

Communicate rules and knowledge:
IT security awareness

A well-trained staff is the best firewall you can have.

Emergency management

Know what to do in the event of a security breach.

Find out more here.

Let's talk, we are happy to answer your question

Head of Privacy & IT-Security

Markus Vatter